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Lent Series: “Living Lent Contemplatively And Simply”

All welcome to an evening series (5 Wednesdays) on our journey through the sacred season of Lent to Easter. This series will help us to live more deeply during Lent this year through prayer, reflection and sharing around living contemplatively and simply as Christians in and for our world today.

5 Wednesdays: Feb 21, 28, Mar 7, 14, 21. Facilitated  by the Villa Team 7:30 to 8:30pm

Wednesday, February 21: “Simplicity, Silence and Contemplative Living”

Wednesday, February 28: “Living Simply that Others may Simply Live”

Wednesday, March 7: “Simplicity and the Ordinary”

Wednesday, March 14: “Simplicity and Compassionate Service”

Wednesday, March 21: “Simplicity and the Work of Repentance and Reconciliation – Restoring Relationship”

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