Spiritual Direction
“Within each of us lies the desire to find meaning beyond the moment… to discover our true selves …to grow closer to God and to one another.”
What is Spiritual Direction?
Spiritual Direction, also known as Spiritual Companioning, is a gentle, non-judgmental process of Holy Listening in order to recognize how God is being revealed in your life. In this process, you are free to express questions, name doubts, sort through decisions, experience mystery and the call to engagement in the world.
Spiritual direction invites a deeper relationship with the spiritual aspect of being human. While it may be appropriate at times to discuss personal and relational struggles in the context of spiritual direction, a spiritual director is neither a psychotherapist, a moral advisor, nor a counselor, but one who has received training to accompany you on a specific spiritual journey to discover God’s presence in the daily experiences of your life.
The director is not there to supply answers, but to suggest questions for the directee to think and pray about.
When would I seek Spiritual Direction?
When you are experiencing a new sense of God in your life …
When you are feeling distant from God
When you are facing an important decision or discernment …
When you are facing a change or transition in your life …
When you are feeling fragmented, disinterested, out of touch, fearful or angry …
When you are involved in ministry within your faith community …
When you desire growth in prayer and growth in compassion …
… then Spiritual Direction may be something for you to consider.
Spiritual Direction at Villa St. Joseph Ecology and Spirituality Centre
If you would like to engage in on-going Spiritual Direction with a member of the Villa team, please call the us An initial interview will be arranged. At that time you can discuss your hopes and expectations, and ask questions. The companioning takes place in the context of confidential one-on-one sessions which are usually scheduled about once a month, but vary according to individual needs. Should you decide to continue, the suggested offering is on a sliding scale of $30 to $50 per session; however this is negotiable depending on individual circumstances. Please don't let cost deter you.
Spiritual Direction is also available as an option during our retreats here at Villa St. Joseph. It is recommended that, if you wish to take advantage of this opportunity, you request in advance. The suggested offering of $20.00 per session will be added to the cost of the retreat.
If you would like on-going direction and live too far to travel on a monthly basis, please inquire about other centres that offer similar opportunities. Manresa Spiritual Renewal Centre & Providence Spirituality Centre are two other Centres that provide Spiritual Direction. Spiritual Directors International is another good source