Closed retreat
This full day retreat is for those wishing to gain a better understanding of an Indigenous perspective of land, spirituality, history, and our mutual interconnectedness. Subjects will include residential institutions, MMIWG and other difficult events. You are invited to a day set apart from the usual distractions and busyness. We will be bringing into focus some of the shared key precepts of religious faith: dignity, respect, compassion, justice (etc) through a Blanket Exercise and reflection. This retreat is geared to spiritual care givers, chaplains and clergy.
Cost $75 (for more information and registration, please contact Elizabeth Yorski at
Mim Harder will lead us through the Blanket Exercise. She is from both Newcomer and First People roots, Mother of two and Tota (grandmother) to three Little People. Carrying the name of Wiingaashke Ikwe or Sweetgrass Woman, means Mims path is to braid people together, building relationship. She walks with her heart and ears open. In 2019, Mim was astounded to receive the Governor General's Award for Volunteerism, a great but overwhelming honour. Mim is learning to be comfortable walking the path that Creator has offered her and living her heart while keeping her feet firmly on Mother Earth.
Elizabeth Yorski is chaplain at Oak Valley Health Network and Spiritual Director of TST Regis College who has journeyed through the corporate sector as a training and development professional before finding her place in Spiritual and Religious Care. She hopes to create a temporary but strong gathering where SRC peers can share experience and expertise together within a nourishing space.